[Week 3] Adding Slideshow bundle and fixing video bundle

Hello All!

As you would have already read on this blog that I was working on the media module for Drupal 8. Here is the introduction blog post just in case you missed it.

Last week I worked on the video media bundle and its default configuration to be included in the media module. This week I worked on fixing the video media bundle as well as creating a basic slideshow media bundle.

Last week, I wrote about how I wrote a custom script in before_script section of the travis configuration file to install video_embed_media module. This week I modified the .info.yml file to include the name of the project as well as the module. You can see the commit here. Here is a relevant change record on d.o.

The pull request for the entire video bundle can be found here.

This week I worked on the slideshow bundle too. I first created a basic slideshow media bundle with an entity reference type of field for the media content such as images and videos. I modified the form display to be of Rendered Entity type so that the videos and images are displayed and not just their titles. We discussed about how to improve the slideshow experience for the user by using some slider module such as Slick Media. We aren’t planning to include it in the media module but in the README file with instructions for users to implement this on their own. I will provide with updates on this thing soon enough.

GSoC midterm evaluations start from 20th June. We are planning to finish a basic usable media bundle till then. We have a lot of things still left to do and I’ll keep on posting updates on this blog.

See you guys next week!



Now read this

[Week 9] Adding the embed functionality in wysiwyg editor

Hello Drupalers! You must have already read my introduction blog post about the media module for Drupal 8 on which I was working on with Janez Urevc (slashrsm) and Tadej Baša (paranojik) under Google Summer Of Code 2016. Last week I... Continue →