[Week 12] Finishing the crop functionality and improving UI

Hello everyone!

You must have read about the media module on which I was working with Janez Urevc (slashrsm) and Tadej Baša (paranojik) under Google Summer of Code 2016.

According to the timeline, this is the final week of the project and I need to submit the URL to the project this week. The good news is that the module is ready! Yes, you can clone the module from this link right now and start using! All the features which I had proposed in my project statement are done.

This week I finished two important things:

1) Improved the UI and fixed the bugs: There were a number of small bugs in the UI which needed to be fixed. Here is the link to the Pull request which was recently merged to the media module codebase. Earlier the module required masonry and imagesloaded library to provide the grid effect. In the pull request, we removed the dependencies to use pure CSS to provide the grid effect.

2) Adding the cropping functionality: The module now requires to new modules, namely crop and image_widget_crop, to work. These modules provide the cropping functionality for the images. Users can now easily crop the images before publishing them on their websites. Here is a small demo video of these two features:

The one thing that is left to finish my project is documentation. I am working on the media module documentation and adding sections in the media gitbook. You can find the repository for the same here. Within next few days, the documentation for the module should be ready and should make it easier for the users to get started with the module.

Google Summer of code has been an amazing experience for me. I learnt a lot of new concepts of programming and got a chance to interact with lot of expert programmers. I’ll be finishing the documentation and writing one final blog post about my project and describing in depth about how to use it.



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GSoC’ 16 with Drupal

I am glad to tell you that I have been selected in GSoC’ 16 to work on the Media module for Drupal 8. The Drupal Media team has been working on various Media related modules for a couple of years now. Since all the modules are almost... Continue →